Monthly Archives: August 2015

A third of Strathbogie Forest slated for burning in 2016-18

The fire burnt right down into the bottom of this gully ..

The fire burnt right down into the bottom of this gully ..

Fire Planners in DELWP are planning to burn large areas of the Strathbogie Forest in the next few years. The area within the fire perimeter is about 6700 ha, about a third of the area of the entire state forest. More significantly, the planned burns cover most of those parts of the State Forest that have the highest conservation, landscape and biodiversity values. FOP map 15-18Whilst the plan is to reduce fuel by patch-burning these areas, we’ve seen that even the smallest flames of a low-intensity fire can topple nearly every mature, hollow-bearing tree in a forest. We also know only too well that fire-behaviour is extremely hard to predict, let alone control. The impact these planned burns end up having on the forest and the large numbers of fauna species that rely on big, old trees (for nesting, roosting and feeding), will be negative – without a doubt.  And if the impact is anything like what we saw at last season’s Tames Rd fire, these planned burns could cause the loss of large numbers of century-old trees and result in the local extinction of several fauna species. Continue reading


Silent Walk to Golden Mount